Thursday, September 10, 2009


I've been thinking a lot about prayers today. My prayer board here at home is filled with names of people who in some way or another need Christ to touch their lives and leave behind on them the Divine imprint of His love. Because the needs seem to be endless, some days the 'if only' thoughts begin to mount.
If only we could convince our children to surrender their lives to Jesus.
If only our schools would allow songs of praises to the Lord.
If only we could gather at work to pray for the well-being of our company and co-workers.
If only we loved the Lord as much as He loves us.

This morning I was reminded that His love endures forever - FOREVER - in good times and in bad. No matter what the situation entails, He is both willing and able to make the difference that is needed in our lives . . .
because of who He is
because of His great love for us
because of His immeasurable wisdom
because of His mighty power
because of His faithfulness to keep His promises
because of His generosity
because of His compassion and mercy
because of His Holiness
because of His majesty
He is the Alpha and the Omega
He is the Bread of Life
His is the Living Water
He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
~ you cannot DO enough - you cannot BE enough - to earn what He has given His life to give us.

The needs around us truly are endless . . . and what you focus on ultimately consumes you . . . so we need to live like the Leper and the Centurian in Matthew 8 . . . the Leper knew that if Jesus was willing (which, of course, He was) He could make him clean and the Centurian knew that Jesus only needed to speak and long distance healing would take place. Never once did either of them say "I know Lord that you're willing and able to help me BUT! How often my prayers are laced with 'buts'. How often I give more consideration to the problem than to the power of the one who is the ultimate answer!

Jesus IS willing.
Jesus IS able.
Let us give great thanks for His enduring love.
Let us give great thanks for He is the answer to every prayer that we've ever had - or ever will have.
Father, Your willingness to listen as we cry out to you in prayer is second only to your ability to provide the best possible answer to our prayers. In the powerful name of Jesus we give You our undying praises, for only You are worthy.
Amen and amen.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Seasons Change

I've heard it preached that "You're either in the midst of a valley, you're just coming out of a valley or you're about to go into one." Well, I don't know about you but my tendency at this point is to cover my ears - loudly scream "la la la la la" - and do everything within my own power to protect the beauty that is seen from my rose colored glasses!

And yet, as we soon learn, the truth is we have no power to control our time in the valleys. A valley, which is never easy, comes whether or not we want it to and whether or not we're ready for it. There are times when you can see it as you approach its rim. You tote along with you your shortcomings that can be used by the enemy to ease you down into this valley. A cord of pain that has bitterness, anger and unforgiveness woven within it. You even remember the struggles of friends who have been there before you and yet you, in and of yourself, are powerless to overcome the descent.

Your time in the valley is a season - it's a 'Saturday Season'. You've experienced a Friday . . . a loss. Maybe it was the loss of a loved one, or a marriage, your health, your purpose or even your innocence. Your 'Saturday Season' in the valley is time spent reacting to that loss. Faced with a dry heart you have memories, good and bad, that haunt you. Your desire to isolate yourself from every good thing brings with it a loneliness that overwhelms you. You are powerless to overcome a despair that has a close kinship to depression.

BUT, for the children of God, mercy and grace abound for they know that SUNDAY IS ON THE HORIZON! Just as the Father, GOD ALMIGHTY, displayed His great power and love in bringing Christ back from His Saturday Season in the pit of Hell, He too willingly moves us out of our valley, our pit of Hell, into a glorious 'Sunday Season'.

Often I remember the story told in Matthew 8:1-4 in which a man who lived in the Valley of Lepers longed to venture out of his Saturday Season so kneeling before Christ he spoke from the depths of his heart saying "If You are willing, You can make me clean." And, of course, with abundant mercy, Christ eagerly reached down into the Leper's valley and pulling him up out said to him, "I am willing. Be clean." And as it is written "Immediately" the dawn of Sunday morning overtook the darkness of the Saturday Season. HALLELUJAH - Can you hear this man's voice shake with joy as he shouts his undying praise of God's goodness and grace?

We are no different than the leper. Our valleys are no less ominous but as we share in the brotherhood of his suffering, so too do we share in the beauty of Christ's cleansing power! Rescue - Recovery - Restoration - Liberation - Freedom - JOY in and because of our Lord.

Father God, we realize and accept the fact that from time to time we will encounter valleys but all the while we look toward those times - not with fear and trepidation - but rather with full confidence in Your mercy and Your power and Your grace. There isn't one of us who would ask for time spent in the valleys but knowing that You will never leave us or forsake us we are lead to face our future with pure hope. May we always approach Your Throne of Grace with an attitude of gratitude that brings pleasure to You.

Father may it be so . . .in Jesus’ name I pray.
Amen and amen.