Sunday, January 31, 2010

Name Your Horse

Today's "Solo" devotional brings to mind the horse. Odd you say . . . theses days few of us have these powerful creatures roaming around in our backyards but after reading Isaiah 31:1-3 I question whether or not that thinking is correct. Let me explain . . .

Throughout the ages horses, and whatever chariots they pull along behind them, have been used by people as a way of providing strength in time of need, escape from threatening situations or beauty to the soul. Commonly we rely on the horse - the physical aspects of this world - to bring us relief, escape and pleasure rather than looking to the One who is the Author and Creator of the powerful horse we seek. Who among us hasn't sought out the created rather than the Creator. Who among us hasn't been tripped up into thinking that these powerful creatures provide the complete security and comfort that we need in our lives.

Consider the circumstances of your life and name your horse(s). What, or in whom, do you put your trust? Money? Sex? Your children? Your education? Yourself? Your employer? Your unwavering opinions? Your unflinching stubbornness? Your supposed power? Are these the things in which you depend on rather than turning your gaze to the love and mercy of the God Himself. I suspect that you and I are no different. We not only have that horse in our backyard - we may have a herd of them grazing at will - and we do all we can to insure their longevity.

Spend a moment now, if you will, and ponder the grazing that's going on under your nose. Ask the Lord to open your eyes to the absurdity of your reliance on anything but Him. As these things are revealed, ask Him to forgive you for the lies that have come to control your life. Give Him thanks and praise for this time of revelation. Then, as it says in Isaiah 31:6 . . . "Return to Him whom you have so deeply revolted against . . .". Return to Him for His arms are stretched out - waiting for you to experience the same loving assurance that He did as His arms were nailed to the Cross.

Father God, may we know you Lord - intimately - in good times and in bad. May we spontaneously seek Your presence above and before anything of this world. May we come to rely on You and You alone for ALL needs that come into our lives and may be sing songs of praise as we bring to mind Your worthiness. I ask this all, Father, in the POWERFUL name of Jesus, the mightiest of horses.
Amen and amen.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

A New Holiday Declared

A new Holiday - I declare - "Be Kind To Jesus Day".

Although the very thought seems to be mind boggling, I recently came to realize, through an Oswald Chambers devotional, that it is wonderful to remember that Jesus Christ has needs which we ourselves can meet. Actually, Jesus Himself eludes to that in John 4:7 as He instructs us to "Give Me a drink". How, you ask, is it possible that Jesus would have needs? He's God. And how in the world could we come to a place where we would be used to meet those needs?

Well, before reading on any further, I prayed, asking the Holy Spirit to give me insight into this mystery. I sought understanding that would allow me to draw closer with a heart that was wide open and desirous of Him. Soon I began to see that as His chosen ones we, on any given day, do indeed reach out to help those around us who are hurting. Joyously we share in their victories and we stand in awe of the obvious love that blankets their lives. With all of this in the forefront of my mind it wasn't long before I conceded to the notion that with the necessary training in place we certainly may have been made for such an event as this - for such a time as this.

As my heart opened up I saw before me the perfect example of the One who came to show us how to meet one anther's needs. He taught us to be kind, to encourage one another, to show thanks. As I attempted to fathom the possibility of meeting HIS needs I realized that it would be silly to think that I could prepare 'my husband' a typical meal or to have slippers waiting for Him at the end of a day but at His command . . . feast I can . . . so feast I did!

With my heart prepared, I laid out before Him a feast that I hoped would be worthy of a King. One that I prayed would leave Him dripping in love and desire for me.

Our time together began as I brought to Him a bowl laden in gold that contained the treasure of my thanks to Him. I filled it to the brim so that His senses were emerged in its presentation. Once I knew that I had His undivided attention, I placed before Him a side salad of kindness displayed beautifully on a bed of encouragement. I offered Him a tray that was filled with utter understanding of my need for Him. Then, before lavishing Him with the main course of everlasting love and devotion, I sprinkled His forehead with fragrant oils in an attempt to bring Him to a remembrance of the beauty of His creation. Opening up His pores I prayed that His essence would drink in all that I had poured out onto Him. As He savored the fruit of my devotion I presented Him with a chalice of praise which overflowed into seemingly endless adoration. I couldn't help but linger there. Mesmerized, I strolled with Him, hand in hand, down a path which lead to the time when He first asked me to be His beloved . . . and I said Yes, Lord. Adding to my amazement He brought to my mind His Words in Jeremiah 2:2 that say to me "I remember . . . the love of your betrothal . . .". Overwhelmed, I surrendered all to Him.

For such an event as this, for such a time as this, Lord, I am eternally grateful.
Let us proclaim our willingness to declare a new holiday in which each of us feast together with Him as we reach out to meet His needs, for I pray it all, Jesus, in your loving name.
Amen and amen.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Light-bulb Moment

Have you ever experienced a light-bulb moment? That instant when you are overcome with new understanding of something that you've struggled with for years and years and . . . well, you get the idea. During this epiphany moment the room just seems to get brighter and you're left wondering what took you so long to see the situation with clarity (or more simply said, you're overcome with a sense of . . . DUH) Yep, me too and I've come to learn that it's all because the Holy Spirit has - in His ever so gentle way - come to shine His incredible Light and thus enabled you to see things from His vantage point.

Let me share with you my most recent room brightening experience:
During the early service at my church I joined a friend of mine who was offering up a variety of prayers in the solitude of a special prayer room . As we concluded our (incredibly, awesome) time together with the Lord, my friend complimented me on how good she thought I was looking lately. Apparently my recent loss of a few pounds had become obvious to her so I thanked her but then quickly made every effort to divert her attention to something less . . . less . . . well, less me! Successful in my efforts we then ventured into the later worship service. As we settled into our surroundings I found myself holding on to what my friend had said. To be perfectly honest, I began feeling quite good about myself. The more I thought about it the more sure I was that others must also be seeing the new sleekness of my appearance. Can you believe it!! Well, that may be a bit of an exaggeration but I will confess openly that my attitude - throughout my entire lifetime - has been a challenge where my outward appearance is concerned. Oh, the tears that I have shed and the stories that I could tell . . . but I'll save that for another time . . . suffice as to say that more often than not I assigned value to myself only after assessing my outward appearance.

Presuming that I'm not alone in my distorted way of thinking I want to share with you that it was then that the Holy Spirit helped me to understand how wrong my thinking has always been. He made it crystal clear to me - in my heart - that when I stand before Christ, I will be there WITHOUT this body - whatever it's outward appearance is . . . big or little - young or old! When I stand before Him this thing I've given such time, attention and value to on this earth will be gone! My spirit - my inner self - is the only thing that will be there then and THAT is why it must NOW be given the highest value that I could assess.

Father God, thanks to Your Holy Spirit I can now clearly see the importance of the stewardship that I've been given over my body for my time on this earth. But greater than that Father is the value that you've provided in my spirit for all of eternity. To say thank You seems trite but in the Name of Jesus I pray with thanksgiving for the Light that You've provided so that this age-old stuggle of mine is a thing of the past. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! May others who struggle as I did be blessed by this teaching by Your Holy Spirit.
Blessed be Your Name.
Amen and amen.

Friday, January 1, 2010

The Burning Bush

God's Word in Exodus tells us about Moses ascending Mount Sinai and there amidst the grandeur of His creation God speaks to Moses out of a burning bush. What must Moses have thought as he stood there in awe of the blaze before his eyes. Fire which provided light and warmth and clarity . . . and yet the bush was not consumed. I'm not sure about you but I have no doubt that I would have been freaked out . . . and yet, isn't it possible that God - even today - draws each of us to ascend our very own Mount Sinai only to find Him a blazed with Glory that offers our lives that same light and warmth and clarity!

The first day of a brand new year seems to be a perfect time to stop and ponder this thought. If we look into our burning bush we're likely to see the season of learning that the Lord has guided us through. Maybe the past year has brought with it for you a time of renewed intimacy with the Lord, a time of opening up your heart to Him and allowing His love to consume you. Or maybe your journey was to be one that veered off into a path that lead to a fiery furnace. No matter the climb, your journey's end brings with it the very same light and warmth and clarity that Moses experienced for as it is written in Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever." His desire to provide for us is no different than it was for Moses and His beloved people, Israel. His love is an everlasting love that brings each of us to Himself - then refines us with the fire that creates in us a glow that emits rays of His Light. A Light that we must, in turn, spread throughout our world.

Personally, my year has been consumed with the teaching of trust. I've walked through valleys in which old wounds have been reopened . . . only to then be cleansed and healed by the Living Water of life. Did I stumble and scrape the healing scab off of my heart from time to time? Admittedly, yes, but never was I in the dark for the bush blazed on before me - never consumed but offering me the radiant Light that I needed for my path. As pain surrounded me, there I found people who were used by God to shower me with the warmth of His love and before I knew it, clarity for my continued journey. And just as we learned in a recent teaching, that Light moves us from one connect-the-dot to another - one orderly dot at a time.

The healing well underway, I am thankful as my Burning Bush provided me with insight and the much needed hope of healing that is sure to come to the skin around my heart. A renewal of life - again and again - and with it I've seen His steadfast faithfulness . . . His tenderness and compassion. I've knelt in thanksgiving for His mercy and His grace . . . and I look with great assurance for the next connect-a-dot on to which I must step in my journey.

Father, I pray now for those who read this posting. I ask that You draw each of them to a clearing in which they are able to experience their very own Burning Bush. I pray that they will know the warmth of Your presence and see, with clarity, the greatness of Your love. I pray that Your Light will flow from within them and that they will seek nothing more in the coming new year than to be in Your perfect will . . . for I ask this now, Father, by the Power of Your incredible Son, Jesus, our Christ.
Amen and amen.