Thursday, January 1, 2009

What's the Big Deal

I read a devotional this morning that centered around . . .
"I'd be happy - if".

You can imagine that it went on to say . . . "If you begin a sentence with those words, then beware. Those little words of discontentment are the very words that Satan uses to draw us into his deceitful traps."

As I woke up this morning and thought about the fact that it's a brand new year I wondered what the hoop-la was all about. What's the big deal? Yes, we now have to remember to write a new year on our checks (although who writes checks out any more). Yes, we now have a new benchmark on time but if you think about it, today is merely a new day - just like yesterday was a new day when it arrived.

CS Lewis once wrote, "Relying on God has to begin all over again every day. As if nothing had yet been done." It was as important to know this truth yesterday when it was 2008 as it is today in 2009.

Pastor pointed out last night in service that God gave us His word in the much quoted (heehee) book of Haggai (2:8-9) that all that 'is' belongs to God (silver and gold were mentioned specifically) AND that the 'glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house' AND 'in this place I will grant peace." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Given this promise from our Father we are to rejoice that yesterday is gone and that He - faithfully - brought us a new day, a new year AND what hope we have in His promise of eternal peace!!!

So - what is your response to 'I'd be happy - if'? What on earth could there be left 'to do' or 'to have' that your answer would be anything but . . . 'Come Lord, Jesus'?

May His blessings fall upon your 'New Year'!


Anonymous said...

I agree it is just a new day.

Desiree said...

Wow- that is encouraging!

LA Nickers said...

Important distinction!


HEART OF A READY WRITER – Reading Through the Bible in 2009