Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Good Morning Class

When I was in school the words "Good Morning Class" were never looked upon as being a sign of good things to come for more often than not they were followed by the phrase "today we are going to have a test"! YIKES - and I didn't study! Oh, if I had only "applied myself" as my mother had so often suggested. How was it that she was always right?!?!?!

Well, even today, a few decades later, I still don't love tests. These days that word is often used in the same sentence as the words needle and blood but even so, we just naturally have a propensity to panic at the thought of a test. And yet, as I read God's Word I find that He has directed us in 1 Thessalonians 5:21 to "Test everything." Now that's a bit extreme wouldn't you say? A pop quiz once in awhile - ok, maybe - but 'test everything'? Well, just for grins and giggles, let's try to see this from God's perspective . . .
Let's start by testing our conversations:
~ Is what I'm saying the truth as found in God's Word?
~ If no, our recourse seems obvious.
~ If yes, then speak the truth BUT REMEMBER even the truth must be tempered with just the right amount of God's mercy and love AND timing is critical - in order for it to be right and effective, it must be said in God's timing!
So, ok, I agree that testing the things I say is a good thing.

So now let's go further and test our thoughts:
~ Are our thoughts moving us toward God or away from Him and His truths?
~ When considering this I am lead to confess to you that I had a day recently when testing my thoughts would have been a gem in my crown. As the day unfolded I came face to face with the reality that had circumstances been just a little bit different, my life may have come to an end. Well, by the end of the day I was full of fears of what 'could have been'.
~Looking back I now realize that I would have avoided the exercise of slip and slide if only I had taken the time to test my thoughts .
Once again, the idea of testing seems to point to good things - who knew?!

Well, the truth is that God did. That's why His Word tells us to do it. That's why it's so important to seek His guidance and discernment and wisdom and knowledge. This is the gem in our crown . . . if only we will ask for it.

So, how about you, are you ready to wake up tomorrow morning and hear the Lord say to you, Good Morning ____, today we're going to have a test? Considering the blessing that this exercise brings to our general well being, the goal at the end of my day will be to hear Him say to me "Well done, my good and faithful servant". All of a sudden I'm anxious to test my attitudes, my emotions, and my 'knee jerk' reactions. Once again . . . who knew!!!

Lord God, Your care of my well being is a treasure to me. Knowing that You remain by my side and offer guidance and protection gives me the strength I need to face the challenges of my day. Thank You, Jesus, for showing me the importance of testing - everything. It is in Your Name, Jesus, that I offer endless praise for Your loving care of all of Your creation!
Amen and Amen

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