Friday, May 1, 2009

In All His Glory

One of my favorite passages in God's Word is from Isaiah 6. In it Isaiah is given a peek at the immeasurable worthiness of God and as he leans forward in awe, he hears the angels point out that "the whole world is full of His glory."

Glory? What could that mean? Well, according to Mr. Webster, glory is a praiseworthy quality of magnificence. But surely the whole world can't boast of this magnificence . . . or can it?

Let's see, there are . . .
~ the mighty cedars of Lebanon.
~ And the beauty of Niagara Falls.
~ Let us not forget to consider the richness of the hills that seem to touch the heavens . . .
~ While I recall from my childhood the softness of moss under a tree.
~ And is it His glory that takes our breath away as we ponder the sights of the Alps?
~ But are we to consider His glory when faced with the complexity of the human body as well as the simplicity of a child's smile?
~ Is His glory the reason that we hear and see and feel the touch of the ocean waves as we walk along the shoreline?
~ Is it possible that we are to give thought to the pleasures that we taste and the flowers that we smell?
~ So how is it that we are drawn to the charm of a bubble bath as we relax stress away in His warmed H2O?
~ Stars that stay put. Cats that purr. Medicine that heals.

Oh, my . . . His glory IS everywhere. It IS endless. He IS magnificent! His love. His generosity. His desire for us to know Him.
How great IS our GOD!!

Thank You, Father, for Glorifying Your Son. Thank You, Jesus, for bringing your Glory to each of us who love you.
Worthy is the Lamb. Worthy to be praised.
Amen and Amen.

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