"I cannot be different than my Lord."
Maybe my heart is just in a state that allows for absorption right now but when I stopped to consider this statement I realized that what he was saying was that his drive, his desires, his focus, his every thought and action, all feelings, motives and attitude . . . not to mention his very will . . . must be aligned in a way that would enable him to mirror the reflection of Christ.
The implication, of course, is that daily - no, moment by moment - you must set your sights on the Only One who is worthy to be emulated!
Do you do that? Do I? Sadly, I confess, no. I don't even come close to entertaining that depth of character. What would I be like if I did? What would my life be like?
It is written in John 18:37 "For this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth." Jesus came to tell us about the Father. He came to show us the Father. It is written in John 14:9 that He told His Disciples "Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. 12 I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing." Jesus was the reflection of the Father and we, in turn, are to be a reflection of Jesus .... which would seem to close up the circle of life very nicely.
He lived among thieves and prostitutes and people with their hands stretched out looking to take advantage of Him. He lived among those who rejected him and hurt Him and yet, not once, did he turn His back on those in need. He fed the hungry. He gave to the poor. He healed the sick. They were barbarically cruel to Him and yet as He hung on a cross dying He said, "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do." Luke 23:34
What a challenge. My friend, who admittedly is not Divine but I assure you - divine - humbly seeks to walk this truth filled walk. Oh, that each of us could stand in front of our mirrors and watch our day as it passes by in memory; watching closely to see if there was a moment of our day that we were able to catch a glimpse of Christ in our reflection.
Jesus, we look to you today to kindle a desire within us, Lord, to live no differently than you. Thank You, Lord, for causing us to pause for a moment to consider the fruits that this challenge would harvest.
Amen and Amen