Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Gift From God

From time to time when my sisters and I were little girls we would come down with typical ailments that required some special care from our mother - the nurse. In addition to giving us the medicine that helped to relieve our symptoms, she always gave us a little '5 & dime (now dollar) store' gift that would lift our spirits and help to pass the recovery time. (Paper dolls were always my particular favorite!)

Well, a couple of days ago I came down with a nasty cold. It has run it's normal course of engulfing me with fever, chills, sinus pain and yes, even nausea. I'm quite a site at this moment. Although my family has offered to get me whatever it is that I may need to help me through this, I've pretty much stayed off on my own . . . well, except for the ever present Spirit of the Lord, of course.

Well, true to His nature, a few minutes ago when I realized that it was time to take more medicine I walked over to my kitchen sink and - Praise God - there in the bush outside the window over my sink was the biggest , the fattest, the most red, male cardinal that I've ever seen. He took my breath away as I beheld him! What a wonderful gift from the Lord! You can't buy that at any store!

Isn't it just wonderful of the Lord to step in and carry on the tradition of gift giving that He put on my mother's heart so many, many years ago. She isn't with us any longer but He is . . . for it is written in Hebrews 13:5 "Never will I leave you. Never will I forsake you."

Thank You, Lord, for your never ending love!
Amen and Amen.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Praise the Lord. Hope you are feeling better. Lord bless you.

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