Sunday, February 22, 2009

Who Drove The Nails?

Have you ever REALLY thought about it?
Were you mistaken . . . like me?
Who flogged and ravaged His body?
Who gave their voice to crucify Him?
The Jews?
The Roman soldiers?
No - I was wrong . . . "they" didn't do it.
It was me.
I turned from Him.
I gave Him over to unfathomable cruelty.
I raised my hand to torture His body.
I sent gripping agony through Him.
I cracked the whip that gouged His flesh.
I positioned the nail in the most strategic spot.
I held the hammer that drove those nails.
Because of me He hung on that Cross.
Because of me He suffered and died.
God help me . . . IT WAS ME.

But PRAISE GOD . . . the love that is God Himself was greater than any evil that I could inflict.
He overcame my evil with His love.
No scars. Only forgiveness and total victory.
He has, once again, displayed His glory.

So . . . the question isn't how could they have done it.
The question isn't how could I have done it.
The REAL question is . . . HOW COULD HE HAVE DONE IT!

He has, once again, proven that it's not about me . . .

Thank You Jesus. My love for You grows beyond measure daily as I uncover the depths of Your love for me. Truly, YOU are worthy of my praise and worship.

Amen and Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an overpowering emotion you feel when you realize this!