Thursday, February 4, 2010

An Elixir . . . What If?

The word 'elixir' came to me the other day and as you might guess I immediately envisioned tropical islands, sunny beaches and natives who were preparing exotic potions. Initially the true meaning of the word alluded me so it wasn't long before I found myself compelled to seek the help of our dear friend Mr. Webster. As I endeavored to understand the reality of the word, I found 'elixir' described as . . .
~ A substance held capable of changing base medals into gold and
~ A sweetened liquid used as a vehicle for medicinal agents.

As I pondered these meanings, I stopped and wondered . . .
~ what if God used people as that life changing base - that elixir - that substance that turns things into 'gold'? What would it look like if He rendered us capable of impacting the lives of the people around us in a way that would change them into His priceless treasures?
~ what if God somehow creates a sweetness within us in preparation of being a vehicle for healing someone's broken heart, their shattered dreams, or even their deflated self-esteem?
~ what if God's purpose for your life is to be an Elixir . . . indeed, what an honor.

There was a time in my life - a dark time - when the 'what if's' consumed me in a way that lead to isolation and panic attacks. I allowed no one to be an elixir in my life hence the darkness, but now - saved and full of the Holy Spirit - the very thought of being used by God as an elixir, and thus bringing Glory to His name, is nothing short of thrilling to me.

How about you? Is your walk preparing you to be used by God as an elixir? Are you willing for the Potter to mold you into a vehicle that may be used to bring healing to those around you? Do you realize fully the blessings that would flow through to you from such a willing spirit. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!!!

Father, the thought of being used by you as an elixir is humbling beyond belief. I pray that each of us would be willing to step out in 'mountain moving faith' as we seek to become elixirs by Your Divine providence. In the name of Jesus I pray that you might know the true desires of our heart as we give thanks for the guidance of Your Holy Spirit to this end.
Amen and amen.

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