Sunday, March 14, 2010

You're Invited

Please consider this posting an invitation to a blowout celebration. Who are we gathering to celebrate, you ask? What could be so glorious that we have reason to celebrate? Well, I'll tell you . . . this celebration is for God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit! And although the Guests of Honor are among us now, let me stop for a moment before the party begins and help you get caught up with where I'm coming from . . .

Recently I've been listening to a teaching that speaks of 'Hupomone'. It's a little Greek word that basically means to bear up under pressure. Like a donkey that carries a load on its back and yet presses on just the same, we too are drawn into times of our lives in which there is a load for us to carry. Be it momentary or lengthy in nature, this time of pressure is used by God to stretch us, to teach us, to strengthen us, and to show us, without a doubt, that God's Grace truly is sufficient to meet our every need.

How easy it is to sit back and listen to teachings or read books or even consume God's Word and think . . . "yep, I'm ready Lord, use me. I'm here and my hearts desire is for You to use me so I'm ready whenever you are - just put me into motion." Well, it must be then that the Lord smiles - and although He is, no doubt, thankful for your naive willingness - He must chuckle just a bit as He takes you up on your offer and sets out to unveil His perfect plan in your little corner of the world. It is then that you'd better hope to come face to face with two things . . . hupomone and the reality of God's immeasurable power and everlasting love. The sweet fragrance of His strength in your moment of need. Strength given to you to speak up and say what must me heard . . . patience to allow Him to work out events that are otherwise overwhelming . . . endurance to hang on for dear life.

Hupomone. In faith you remain persistent against a pressing trouble. In faith you believe in God's faithfulness. Surely He is faithful to be with us as routine situations unfold in our day . . . surely He can be trusted to be faithful in any overwhelming event that comes our way.

And what is the outcome of this hupomone? This endurance under pressure? Well, for me it was pure, unspeakable joy - the same kind of joy that is described in Ephesians 3:20 . . . "exceedingly, abundantly, more than I can ask or imagine" and God is to get ALL the glory for it. HE was my hope when the pressure was on - when I was facing overwhelming odds. Without Him, hupomone is nothing more than a silly word but with Him there is unspeakable Glory and Honor and Praises to lay at His feet.

Father God, Jesus, Holy Spirit . . . welcome to the celebration that honors Your love for me. You are worthy of all my praise. Oh, that I could fully fathom the reality of You in my life. I give You now, Lord God Almighty, all the honor that You are worthy to receive.

Blessed be Your name.
Love from Your devoted child . . .
Amen and amen.

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