Saturday, June 20, 2009

Heaven On Earth

I love Saturday mornings. Rarely do I allow anything to creep into the sanctity of what they have become for me. This is the time that I meet most intimately with the Lord. I feel His touch, I hear His voice, I know His presence. Every sense within me is heightened as I enjoy this precious time with Him.

This morning as I met with Him I was lead to read His Word from the book of Job. As a kid I always remember my dad saying "Sam there has the patience of Job". Although over the years I've learned the truth behind my dad's reference, I didn't realize then the full extent of Job's trials or the 'helpfulness' of his friends. And it wasn't until this morning that I considered the depth of what it was that God told Job about Himself. Such is the fruit of my Saturday morning of intimacy with Him.

How easy it is for us to acknowledge with our voices 'God is wonderful' just as we say 'that rose is beautiful' but in order to have 'the patience of Job' you must share in the intimacy of knowing God just as Job did. God came to Job . . . no doubt on a Saturday morning . . . and there He let Job experience His presence. Job heard His voice. He realized God's greatness and the power of Him in his heart.

Each of us have the opportunity to choose a time of intimacy with God. A time that allows trust to grow and faith to deepen. I am convinced that the secret to life is centered around knowing this God who we worship. And I am equally convinced that my Saturday mornings were meant for just that!!

Father God, thank You for bringing to me a sense of your presence. Thank You for allowing my heart to experience your love in all it's glory. The beauty of music, the sound of birds singing, water trickling, to see the splendor of color , your majesty in the clouds and the smile on a childs face.

It seems trite to say this but it's all I have to give . . . I love You Lord.

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