Saturday, June 20, 2009

What Counts?

When teaching the Galatians about breaking free from the bondage of legalism, the Apostle Paul wrote . . . "the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love". (Gal 5:6) When teaching me recently about the abundance of His grace, the Lord brought me to that very same teaching.

Let me go back to the beginning and tell you what brought about the need for this teaching . . . it all began as the festivities of the New Year (2009) were unfolding. The Lord and I gathered to discuss the upcoming new year and as I shared my thoughts with Him . . . ok, ok, I whined - He listened . . . patiently . . . while I unleashed the tears as 'Boohoo Bonnie' tried to convince Him that I was lacking for love in my life. As you might guess, He saw things differently. If I recall correctly 'Pooie' was the word He impressed upon me that day and from there He went on to show me that if I want love in my life then I would have to step out of my comfort zone and give love. Well, my immediate reaction was . . . oh no, the Lord's throwing the door wide open and telling me to step inside a new world. Would I have to develop all new relationships while nurturing old ones? Was He challenging me to do all that I could in order that I might be all that He intended for me to be? YIKES!

Well, the reflection in the mirror told me that it was time - dry the tears - take the leap of faith - and love someone. Looking back at my 'memory stones' (aka 4x6 index cards!) I see that my intent was to set one Saturday a month aside to get to know someone new. Again, as you might guess, the Lord saw things differently than I did. It is now mid June and I cry 'UNCLE' . . . the Lord has brought me to a place of giving and receiving so much love that it can only be described as 'exceeding abundantly more than I could ask or imagine'. I have been filled with pure radiant joy as I've watched the Lord bless those He had me reach out to touch. He provided the fuel . . . the time, His compassion, tons of encouragement . . . and His immeasurable LOVE. The Fruit of the Spirit bursts forth from a season of giving. Love, peace, joy, faith, gentleness, goodness, kindness, patience and self-control . . . and the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Thank You, Jesus!

Once again He has shown Himself to be amazing. In my wildest dreams I never would have guessed that 2009 would truly be 'A Year of Relationships' as my memory stone indicated. My question to you now is . . . have you whined to Him lately? Try it . . . because if you do, you're sure to be blessed beyond measure!


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