So then, how in the world can this day be called 'Good'? In my humanness, I see me as the reason for this day. My humanness is drawn to the 'bad' of it. But Blessed be our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for He has reminded me - ONCE AGAIN - that it's NOT about me. This day is ALL about Him. As my heart breaks for the physical, emotional and ultimately, the spiritual pain that He endured, the Holy Spirit - the Holy Healer - reminds me that more noteworthy than all of the brutality and pain was Christ's ability to rise above all of it. WITHOUT retaliation, He endured it all - for it was the Father's will. It was the Father's perfect plan.
The day IS Good because of His willingness and obedience. It IS Good because of the love that oozed from every pore of His body. It is Good because of the peace, and yes, the joy, that He experienced in knowing that He was being used to fulfill the Father's perfect plan. Picture perfect, we see the life of surrender and forgiveness that we are to resemble.
For all that HE did on this day . . . may our remembrance be of the GOOD that was our Blessed Savior, Jesus the Christ.
Father, may it be so . . . In Jesus' name I pray.
Amen and amen.
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