Monday, September 8, 2008

Dwell In The Truth

Ever since I was a little girl I've had the unfortunate tendency to be overweight. Oh, from time to time I would 'set my mind' to dieting and I'd find momentary success but, try as I might, I was never able to maintain the smaller size. So as the years passed I remember thinking that it was better to stay heavy than it was to go up and down all the time so I just went up - and stayed there!

Well, just as the Lord was about to enter my life (now there's a co-ink-e-dink in timing-NOT!) I decided that I wanted to be healthy so it was then I set out to diet - again. Much to my surprise the pounds melted off of me as though I was an ice cube in the middle of the Sahara Desert. With little or no effort on my part it just seemed to happen. I had self-control and a desire to walk off the pounds and all the answers anyone needed to be the big success that I was. God forgive me but I just thought that I was the greatest success story this side of the Mississippi . . . and I wasn't the least bit shy about telling anyone who asked me all about it. I had lost a whole person along the way so of course people remarked at the difference they saw. Some would even ask my advise - as if!

But then I noticed that even though my eating habits hadn't changed (yeah, right) the weight was beginning to come back on. Soon the added weight was making a difference in the clothes that I had been wearing. Then, of course, I told myself that IF the weight was going to pile back on anyway then I might as well eat whatever I darn well pleased - at least then there would be a good reason for the weight gain! As the weight continued to add up I was certain that any number of things besides my eating were contributing to the gain . . . menopause, thyroid malfunction, medication, yada, yada, yada. Always something other than me - my attitude - my habits - my self-centeredness.

Well, you can only imagine what the Dear Lord heard along the way from this 'BooHooBonnie'. Whine - Whine - Cry - I want - I want - I want. Let me show you how much I want. Whine - Whine, Cry again. I was nothing short of a spoiled child who was having a tantrum because I couldn't get the Lord to GIVE me what I wanted. (and I, of course, wanted no part of accountability!) I'm convinced that the louder I cried and carried on the more determined the Lord was to turn a deaf ear to my whining! (as well He should!)

Well finally - after the dust from the seemingly endless tantrum settled - the Lord lead me to realize that I was believing countless lies. And, thank God, He then laid it on my heart to believe truths NOT lies. The truth is that what matters most is who I am inside, not what size clothes I wear. The truth is that I need to listen and conform my life - my eating - around what God and God alone directs me to do. And the truth is that without Him I can try every diet out there till dooms day but I won't meet with true success unless I confess that I need Him to make a difference. I need to give Him all the honor and all the glory that He and He alone is worthy to receive.

It is written in John 14:6 "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life." And in Psalm 23:3 it is written "He restores my soul". How glorious it is to know that through Him - the Truth - I am restored! Praise God!

I promise you - I DON'T know all the answers but I can also promise you that I do know the One who IS the answer to all.

Jesus, my Way. Jesus, my Truth. Jesus, my Life.
Amen and Amen

1 comment:

Desiree said...

Ooh, I like that, its very encouraging!