Monday, March 21, 2011

Better Left Unsaid . . .

If your mother was anything like mine she taught you about the old adage that declares 'Some things are better left unsaid'. In our house she mentioned this truth early . . . and often! And now, with the passing of years . . . and my mother's life . . ., I've learned that the older I get, the wiser she becomes!

An yet . . . it probably comes as no surprise to most of you that the Word of God offers direction that, quite honestly, makes our mother's wisdom seem pale in comparison. The proof comes as we read Matthew 12:36. In it we are told that "Everyone will have to give an account on the day of judgment for every idle word that they have spoken." YIKES! Then, as though that weren't enough, verse 37 goes on to say "For by your words you will be acquitted and by your words you will be condemned." As far as I can tell, from where God stands, that leave no middle ground . . . some things ARE better left unsaid.

An yet . . . the chances are that, in a micro-second, you, like me, have fallen prey to a careless thought that found its way across your lips without prior approval. Maybe through a challenge to banter back and forth with someone while you jockey for a lofty position over them . . . maybe as a way to show your quick wit . . . maybe even as you rush to harshness and share your judgmental opinion about someone. Whatever the reason, whatever your purpose in speaking out . . . you can be sure that your words have equal opportunity to offer either a blessing or a curse.

If only we would stop and realize that the first One hurt by any idle word is our Lord and from there the snowball grows bigger and bigger. Let us heed the warning to bring life, rather than hurt, to those around us. Let us build people up through encouragement rather than tearing them down through thoughtless, idle words. Let me challenge you to take to heart the wisdom of my son when he was in Middle School . . . "Just smile and nod, Ma . . . Just smile and nod."

Father God, we acknowledge the truth that You have set before us. Realizing that we have no control over the evil of our tongue, we seek the abundance of Your life within us. We look with eager anticipation to the day that we stand before You, hoping against all hope that we will hear You say the grace filled words . . . "Well done, My good and faithful servant." As always Father, we ask this all through the blessed name of Your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Amen and amen.

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