Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How Is That Possible?

It is written in John 15:9 "I have loved you even as the Father has loved me."
Jesus loves us as the Father loves Him.
Jesus loves us as the Father loves Him.
Jesus loves me as the Father loves Him.
Jesus loves ME as the FATHER loves HIM.
Jesus - the only one who is good enough - holy enough - worthy enough.
Jesus - The only one who is WORTHY enough to receive love directly from God - directly from the source of all love - that same Jesus loves me to the same degree that the very source of love - the direct source - loves Him.
John 15:9 "I have loved YOU even as the FATHER has loved ME."
Jesus - my provider
Jesus - my comforter
Jesus - my husband
Jesus loves me as though I were holy and perfect and worthy.
Because of that kind of love I am in His tender care.
Because of that kind of love I am adorned by Him.
Because of that kind of love I am guarded & directed & guided & taught as a beloved child.
Because of that kind of love I am cared for as you would care for a child who is helpless and dependent and in need of loving arms to hold me and protect me and correct me and look into my eyes and adore me.
Because of that kind of love He loves me as though I was an innocent child - WITHOUT fault.
Because of that kind of love He loves me as though I was a youngster who He wants to spend time with so He can teach me how to live life. (like a father teaches his children to fish and toss rocks across a pond - enjoying simple peaceful yet exciting things that will develop a quietness in their spirit)
Because of that kind of love He loves me as a young person who is discovering who they are. He watches as a parent does - hoping that their child will live in peace and joy.
Because of that kind of love He love me as a husband loves his wife - seeking fulfillment.
He loves me - He loves me - HE LOVES ME with all goodness in His heart. He loves me all the while hoping that in return I will love Him.
. . . and IF I am blessed enough to even consider accepting and returning this love He has His arms stretched opened wide for me to run into - to be consumed by that love . . . by that life . . . pure life . . . that comes from the VINE!
The connection is complete - never to be severed.
Just as you can never be completely removed from your earthly parents (for it is because of them that you exist) you can also never be disconnected from the one who provided that life through your human parents.
Thank you Lord for this time together.
You are amazing.
You are generous.
It is right that the Father loves you for you are worthy of that love but for you to love me - in my imperfect, corruptive state is even greater. How can you do it? - - - it is beyond my comprehension to fathom that kind of unconditional love.
I don't understand it
- but I thank you for it, Lord.
Thank you for being a God that is beyond my ability to comprehend.
Amen and Amen.

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